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February 11, 2003
To: info@patlaw.com
Subject: Attn. Ms. Greenberg: Shame on you

You and your partners are absolutely pitiful. What gall you have in harassing Mr. Mishkoff. Even if half of his claims are true (i.e. being mislead, lied to, intimidated, etc.), I really hope the judge and the courts put the same legal hammer on you as you tried to do on Mr. Mishkoff. Unfortunately, I'm in favor of tort reform. But in this case, I hope he succeeds in taking a big wad of cash from you and your partners. And furthermore, Mr. Taubman should sue you as well for legal incompetence and for padding his legal bill.

Free speech is a wonderful thing.

I only stumbled across his plight, when looking for a business in Plano, Texas.

GiffordKrassGrohSprinkleSucks.com is wonderful way to voice a dispute for all the world to see.

Best of luck, and have a good day.

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